Moses E Hoskins   


Moses E Hoskins was born in 1953 in Iowa where he spent his youth and some time as an adult. He was educated in public schools with a checkered post-secondary education consisting of sporadic stints at a few colleges in the American midwest culminating finally in 1981, a full decade after graduating from hi-skool, with a BFA from the University of Iowa School of Art and Art History at Iowa City. He did not attend grad school anywhere. - As a visual fine artist, his roots were in figurative rendering but he has worked abstractly since the mid 80’s.  

In 1988 Hoskins fled to New York City as a better place, ostensibly, to not amount to anything. - He continues to remain there - living, working, and exhibiting his art in a variety of venues. - He exhibited regularly at OK Harris in NYC from 2000 until the gallery's run of 45 years in SoHo came to an end in 2014.

Even with multiple grants from the Foundations Pollock-Krasner and Adolph & Esther Gottlieb in evident support of his quixotic efforts in painting, drawing & collage media - and despite a Yaddo residency, Hoskins was always acutely aware that a Big Deal Career was unlikely... He has never been naive regarding Political Machinery.

Currently Hoskins' work is included in White Columns' Artist Registry (cyber), New York - and Robischon Gallery in Denver has a selection of his paintings in their inventory.

click HERE  for Hoskins' most recent work or refer to index at top of page featuring work produced since 2015

copywrite all rights reserved, Moses E Hoskins

untitled drawing / pencils on paper (Strathmore 25% rag), 17.5x 22.5 inches, 2024  / 12dp24

untitled diptych / painting & drawing media on canvas / 60x 104in (60x 52in twice), 2024   /    60x104dpt24

untitled collage comprised of misc. trash, 18x16 inches, 2024    CL5g24