collage 2024
It has been a few years since Hoskins has done anything in collage. He keeps thinking about it but has just never gotten to it, ending up devoting most studio effort to painting or drawing. He continues collecting trash/litter off the street and tosses it in a basket with the junk mail as potential collage material, but for some time, when the basket is filled, it just goes back to the trash (in the designated can for the sanitation workers instead of onto the street)...
Maybe now, at least for awhile, he'll use the material to make art (again) as indicated below. - Feel free to return to this page to monitor anticipated progress.
This first group consists of litter afixed with white glue to stretched remnants cut from a disgarded pondslime green made-in-China 100% pure polyester shower curtain retrieved from the curb where it was all wadded up. He likes the way it glistens and glimmers variously in the light.
sizes vary / scroll down:

16x 15"
15x 16"

16x 16"
10x 9"
18x 16"

17x 16"

9x 9"

11 >
16x 15"

16x 15"

< 10
18x 17"

9 )
16x 16"
Here ends the set of compositions on the green shower curtain remnants. He ran out of that material -but there is likely to be other stuff just as crappy in collage features to follow (scrolling down) :
for instance: An example would be this next piece - comprised of misc litter mounted with painting & drawing media added in places on a charred plywood fragment from demolition following a neighbor's kitchen accident. A handy feature of this untitled piece is that it is reversible, 20x 18", '24.
note: Side B was never intended as homage to Yayoi Kusama. Although it's alright if you think so, but if one actually did, s/he would be reading too much into it, so you know.

side A)
20x 18"
side B)
20x 18"

untitled anomalous floor piece / found objects + impacted grime patina, 6x 6" (approx)
This next piece is also reversible + it is a diptych, untitled / comprised of a child's found drawing in crayon on typing paper with acquired/incidental school yard dirt attached by blank sticky labels to a sullied piece of cardbord from the studio floor, approx 11x 17" overall. This piece is unsigned. It wouldn't be right, although I suppose it would be OK to sign the cardboard half. - Probably it is questionable if this is even a collage. Maybe it could be classified as an assemblage. It would be a waste of time to quibble.
side A
side B

untitled diptychal presentation comprised of 2 sutured found plywood segments with old paint, stapled or adhesed bits of litter added, 14.5x 23+ inches, 2024

OR as it is reversed if a minimalistic aesthetic is preferred

click HERE for wastepaper & litter collage series of 16 / 8 vertical & 8 horizontal

2 untitled compositions on thin pine slab (from a shipping crate), 2024
approx. 22.5 inches square / misc trash affixed with glue(s) & staples
6 collages
litter fragments affixed with white glue to generally sullied card board (formally backs of drawing pads)
11x 14 inches each, 2024
click on any image to enlarge or to initiate slide show >

untitled sequence of 4 / mixed media - collage on poster board, 11x 8.5 inches each (x4), 2004
- click on images below for an enlarged singular viewing: